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The Crosses of the Chemins de Compostelle, A Pilgrim’s Blessing, France

The entire Chemins de Compostelle is marked with crosses to help Pilgrim's find their way. All different, all beautiful. A place for reflection. To accompany the images, we have posted the Pilgrim's Blessing, that we were given at the Cathedral Notre-Dame, Le Puy-en-Velay when we began our journey.

Almighty God

You never cease to show your goodness, to those who love you,

And you allow yourself to be found by those who seek you,

Look favorably upon your servants who are setting out on pilgrimage and direct their way according to your will,

Be for them shade in the heat of the day,

Light in the darkness of night,

Relief in tiredness,

So that they may come safely, under your protection,

To the end of their journey,

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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