Good Fortune
We are being sent on our way with good fortune.
As our trip, became a reality, we decided to eat all of the foods previously outlawed from the house. Chips Ahoy, Nilla Wafers, Nutty Bars. We found ourselves eating out almost every meal, and food became our obsession. I had to have my favorites, chicken salad from Beagle Bagel, the buffet at Mama Hamil’s, and the Fantastic Roll at Haikaido. Oliver wanted roast beef poboys from The Flora Butcher and oysters at Saltine. This may be why I love to hike and I know its how I hooked Ol. These foods are part of our training, you need to put on weight, because it comes off quickly on the trail. We will easily walk at least 10 miles a day exploring the cities we visit, but we will burn crazy amounts of calories on our long hikes in Peru, Chile and Argentina.