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Time Travelers

It was 9 am and when I looked down at my iWatch and it said that we had walked three miles. Three miles is the exact distance from the front door of our home in Mississippi to our neighborhood gate, which Ol and I walk regularly at about the same time everyday. We walk by our neighbors beautiful homes and farms. We see deer, cows, horses and a few dogs and birds.

Today, I was thinking how different our morning walk was to Otavalo's Cascada de Peguche. Even though it was only 9 am we had already:

climbed old cobblestone roads, passed under ancient eucalyptus trees,

and cypress trees,

walked through two indigenous villages,

watched a woman carry a load of laundry down to the river,

saw goats sitting along the roadside,

and petted llamas.

We climbed alongside a sacred waterfall,

and explored its ancient caves.

We knocked at the door of an old shaman and told the time with an Incan sun dial.

We swung on a rope bridge,

and cooled our feet in green grass next to a rushing river and viewed ancient communal baths.

By the time we finished exploring and walked back to our hostel we had walked more than seven miles. Not only had we enriched our bodies, our hearts and our minds, we were reminded once again how blessed we are to have this time together and to be on this amazing journey.

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